Friday, May 13, 2011

Life would have been so different . . .

It seems like  I spent most of my pre-teen and teenage years battling Acme and oily skin. . . Heck even into my 20 and 30's.   Then it was like someone flipped a switch, and I was fighting dry skin except for that "T" Zone which as still oily,  then back to extremely dry.  But at least the acme was gone.  

Well gone except for when I indulged in too much chocolate!  What woman does not need her chocolate!

I can honestly say that I do not ever remember anyone complementing me on how great my skin looked.   But that was OK,  at least I know that I had finally won the battle, well most of the time anyway.  

This past week I've been out and about at a lot of meetings,  many of the people had not seen me in a year or two,  so you can imagine my surprise when I received complement after complement about how great my healthy my skin was looking. 

Thank you Jordan Essentials.

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