Saturday, January 13, 2018

Skiing was not for me, but it could have been

Years ago, more years than I care to remember, when I lived in PA I went downhill skiing with my friends for the first time with a group a friends. I remember Mom made us all breakfast before the 2 car loads of us headed off. Let's just say that if I would have had a Magnesium Stick in my pocket, I might have actually stuck with it. Oh. . . I was so sore, I can still feel the pain just thinking about it!
Jordan Essential Magnesium Stick is a Beeswax base, magnesium and our headache blend (pain relief).
I have to say I keep one by my bed, one in my desk here at work and one in my purse! I just is not enough! The price is right too! At $12.00 it's a SUPER DEAL!

Order yours TODAY:

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