Friday, September 30, 2016

What a week! I've so much to be Thankful for.

You know how it is when you have your week all planned out?  It's going to be a busy week but you've done everything that you can to line everyone and everything out to funtion.  You've got a GREAT TEAM,  you know they can pull it off

Then that one thing happens . . .  and you have to dig down deep to find that ENERGY to keep going.  
Well that was me this week,

I started off the week excited,  because it was the first time that our family business,  Dixie Cullen  was going to have a vendor table at "Break Bulk Conference"  reaching out to a very important maket for us.  

We were cutting it close on printed material beind delivered,  but it arrived just in the knick of time,  we got the booth set up the the show begins with a kick off party Tuesday night.  Music was loud so by the time I realized that my phone was ringing,  I missed the call.   Looked at the number  thought it was the alarm company calling (assuming that given the time someone set the alarm off while setting it at work).  But I called right back and they gave me the address.   Then I realized it was not something at work,  but the MEDIC ALERT company  calling to tell me my mother fell in the driveway and could not get up,  and her elbow was bleeding and that emergency services had been dispatched.   My Dad was the first one there (that will be a story for another day)  but he called my sister and she was on her way down there,   they had to wait on an ambulance to transport my mother was they had to bring it in from the medical center,  since everything closer was in use.

So  Elizabeth and I did our usual,  she stayed with Mom  and after the show ended that night I went to get Dad situation.    Home about 10:30  -- operation for Mom at 8:30 Wednesday am.

5:30 am at the office get them lined out,  then onto the Conference . . . receiving updates from my sister and niece on Mom,  10:30 still waiting,   AC down in several of the operating rooms so they could not be used so massive back log . . . left show,  went to Dads,  rounded up the growing list of things Mom needed to head to the hospital to relieve Elizabeth.  Turns out Mom was kicking her out to go home,  as the surgery is now scheduled for 5 am Thursday.   (Did I forget to mention that my youngest sister was having surgery on Wednesday for Breast Cancer).

Long and short   Mom has a New Hip,  Conference was a GREAT Success,  Sister is doing well,  Dad is much better  and I feel like I could crawl back into bed and sleep for 12 hours,  but that is not going to happen for at least the next month!   So  as I'm typing this the fog cleared enough to remember the Energy Herbal Blend Rollon in my desk that is there and I never use.    So I applied and after just a few minutes of breathing in,  I'm ready to face the day,  not enough to change the world, but able to keep it all together.  I'm sliding it into my pocket now.

I also want to share a big THANK YOU to all my friends that sent their prayers for my Mom,  for Grace who was relaying messages,  and talking to me on the way home from my day to be sure that I stayed awake while driving (and not the first time over the years she's been there).   To my niece Christi for pulling the strings she did (while up in PA now,  she worked on the floor that my Mom is on and knew everyone there),  and to my office Staff for keeping everything together and watching out for Dad while everything was going on.  To Elizabeth for being with Mom every step of the way.  And most of all to GOD for watching over all of us and putting all of you in my life.

Monday, September 26, 2016


Jordan Essentials  Mineral Eye Shadow Drawing!  

I'm CELEBRATING!!!!!    

What am I Celebrating you may ASK!   The relaunch of my Jordan Essentials BLOG!    Over the past few weeks I have been sharing Makeup and Facecare tips on my Blog

There has been some great information and tips shared,  so be sure to check out the posts below  and enter our CONTEST!  Leave a comment or two on any of the posts  and please feel free to share with your social media,  friends and family.

Jordan Essentials Mineral Makeup is 100% Mineral -- NO FILLERS!

Drawing Entry:    Click on the contest logo in the side bar or go directly to:

Everyone responding with the completed form will be entered into the drawing with 1 entry

Should you make a purchase you will receive one additional entry for every $20.00 in purchases

DRAWING   Thursday  September 29th at  8 pm -- using RANDOM.ORG

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Jordan Essentials Breast Cancer Awareness

Each of us knows someone who is fighing the battle with Breast Cancer,  for awhile it almost seemed like every week,  someone that I know was receiving word that  they would be fighting this fight.

So please take the time to share a "Little Bit of Hope"  with those that you know.

Order online  and ship anywhere in the USA and Territories

For every 10 that my customers purchase I will make a donation of $2.00 per lotion bar to the
Susan G.  Koman Fund

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Jordan Essentials -- Face Care Top Tip 60's and Beyond

Today is our last day of Face Care Top Tips As We Age! We have skin care solutions for everyone at any age! 

60's & Beyond Face Care Top Tip!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Jordan Essentials Face Care Top Tip 50's

Check back each day this week for our Face Care Top Tips As We Age! We have skin care solutions for everyone at any age! 

50's Face Care Top Tip!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Jordan Essentials Face Care Top Tip 40's

Check back each day this week for our Face Care Top Tips As We Age! We have skin care solutions for everyone at any age! 

40's Face Care Top Tip!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Jordan Essentials Top Tip as we Age -- Mid' 30's to 40's

Check back each day this week for our Face Care Top Tips As We Age! We have skin care solutions for everyone at any age!

Mid 30's & 40's Face Care Top Tip!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Jordan Essentials: Daily Face Care Top Tips 20's & 30's

Check back each day this week for our Face Care Top Tips As We Age! We have skin care solutions for everyone at any age! 

Mid 20's & 30's Face Care Top Tip!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

WISDOM WEDNESDAY: How to apply Mineral Blush

I could never get blush application correct.  To thick,  different amounts. . . this tip was a big help for my,  I hope that you find it helpful too!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

TIP TUESDAY: Face Care Tip: Teens to 20's

Check back each day this week for our Face Care Top Tips As We Age! We have skin care solutions for everyone at any age!

Teens to 20's Face Care Top Tip!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Understanding Fibromyalgia

Many of my customers that purchase our Magnesium Lotion are battling Fibromyalgia,  so when I saw this article from Remedy Daily,  I thought that I would share it with everyone.    Hope that you find the article informative

Understanding fibromyalgia: causes, symptoms and treatment 

Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder that causes fatigue, widespread muscle and joint pain and memory and mood issues, according toWebMD. And while fibromyalgia is the most common musculoskeletal condition after osteoarthritis, it's still not well understood by the medical world. 
Women are actually much more likely to suffer from fibromyalgia than men, and at this time there is no cure for the disorder. Since fibromyalgia can cause symptoms that are similar to osteoarthritis, it's important to understand the signs, symptoms and risk factors that are associated with the disorder to make sure you're treated properly.
Risk Factors
There are three risk factors that increase your chances of developing fibromyalgia, according to the Mayo Clinic:
1. Sex. Women are more likely to develop the disorder than men.
2. Family history. If a family member has fibromyalgia, you are at an increased risk of developing it.
3. Rheumatic disease. If you have rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, you might have a higher risk of developing fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia often causes widespread pain and fatigue, and it can cause certain parts of the body to be painful to touch -- like they've been overworked or pulled. The disorder also can affect your sleeping habits, usually limiting the amount of restful sleep you can achieve, and cause depression. Other symptoms, according to WebMD, include:
- Abdominal pain
- Chronic headaches
- Dryness in your mouth, nose and eyes
- Hypersensitivity to cold and/or heat
- Inability to concentrate
- Incontinence
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Numbness or tingling in your fingers and feet
- Stiffness

Good Morning

Thursday, September 8, 2016

What is a BLEND?

Did you ever wonder  "WHAT IS A BLEND"?  That was a question that I asked myself when we first launched them.   It's actually quite simple,  it's taking one or more different essential oils and blending together with a particular focus.    Jordan Essentials has put these blends together in the roll on, dropper bottle or spritzer.   I use all three in our home.   The dropper bottle is great for use around the house,  and the spritzer too.   Roll On's are always with my no matter where I am so that I can use when needed.    

If you would like more information on any of our blends,  just drop me an email or text 832-465-8670 and I'll be happy to share more information.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Jordan Essentials Mystery Hostess Baby Shower

To Celebrate we're having a
Mystery Hostess Baby Shower Party

Join us on  Thursday September 8th on FACEBOOK
8 pm, Central Time

Join us for great information on Baby Safety both in the products that you use and some other GREAT TIPS!

Shopping Link:

Can't join us,  the room will remain open so that you can check out the information shared.  
ALL ORDERS pleased through this link will apply not just the Jordan Essentials Product Line.

Check out the facebook page for ways to earn more entries

Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Labor Day from Jordan Essentials

Do  you know the History of Labor Day?

Labor Day: What it Means

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

Labor Day Legislation

Through the years the nation gave increasing emphasis to Labor Day. The first governmental recognition came through municipal ordinances passed during 1885 and 1886. From these, a movement developed to secure state legislation. The first state bill was introduced into the New York legislature, but the first to become law was passed by Oregon on February 21, 1887. During the year four more states - Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York - created the Labor Day holiday by legislative enactment. By the end of the decade Connecticut, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania had followed suit. By 1894, 23 other states had adopted the holiday in honor of workers, and on June 28 of that year, Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday in the District of Columbia and the territories.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Migraine Awareness Week

Just LOVE this Graphic --  its a great explanation of the  FOUR main types of HEADACHES

As one that has been prone to ALL four at one time or another, depending on the trigger,  Magnesium Lotion (along with my Headache Roll On) are never far away.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Jordan Essentials $5.00 Shipping plus TODAY's BONUS BUY!

Enjoy $5.00 shipping on your order,  no matter what SIZE! 

All Weekend - Today Through Monday Midnight Central Time 


Save $5.00 on our Gental Cleanser  and 
take advantage of $5.00 shipping

Order the Jordan Essentials September Subscription Box this weekend and be entered into My Personal THANK YOU Drawing  only $15.00  (and take advantage of $5.00 Shipping)

For every September Joyful Jordan Box purchased before midnight September 5th you will receive 1 entry.    For every 10 that I sell this weekend I will give away ONE FREE Joyful Jordan Box.

This one is perfect for the season. . . if you would like to peak at the September Surprise 


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Testimony Thursday: Jordan Essentials Herbal Blend

Sleep patterns show us tons of results! 

These results are from a customer who has had tremendous success sleeping so much more peaceful with our Sleep Herbal Blend!     Try it for yourself and see how much better you sleep!