Monday, October 14, 2013

Manual or Cardio?

I enjoy reading,  and I enjoy variety in my reading.  Now that I'm working on getting healthier both inside and out I'm reading more on "Exercise" and "Health and Wellness".  One of the issues that I see over and over again is the argument between  "Cardio Workout"  and "Fat Burner Workout".   I never see anything comparing "Manual Workout"  vs   "Cardio Workout" or "Fat Burner Workout".

As an overweight,  50 something,  I had found that  30 to 40 minutes on the "Manual Setting" was just fine for me,  I worked up a sweat,  and felt the workout afterwards.   Well yesterday I decided to be brave and run my own comparison  "Manual Workout" vs  "Cardio Workout".   I'm here to tell you that the 30 minute  "Cardio Workout" kicked my behind.  I was listening to my workout music,  thinking that I must be insane,  why on earth did I do this to myself.  Manual is just fine.   Got off the treadmill and said last time I'm doing that.

Then yesterday evening I had to soak in  Jordan Essentials  dead sea salts,  I picked the Peppermint,  and added a few drops of orange essential oil to.   My aching bones felt so much better after a good soak.

However this morning as I'm typing this,  I'm saying,  manual IS just fine if I want to maintain,  however if I want to loose weight and inches,  I need to go the "Cardio Workout".   Maybe in the future I'll try the "Fat Burner" vs the "Cardio".   I'll just make sure that I have a supply of my dead sea salts. 


Unknown said...

Interval training is the best. If you feel that cardio is just too much for some days, use the manual but don't just stay the same pace. If you keep is steady for the first 5 minutes then increase the speed for as fast as you can for a minute, then back down, it jump starts your metabolism and keeps your body guessing. If you have a smart phone, there is a "Couch to 5K" app that is free and I highly recommend it. You can listen to your own music but it will talk over it to tell you when to pick up the pace. "Jog" doesn't have to mean "Jog," if you can't, just move as fast as you can. The app will help you increase your stamina and your workout results. Let me know if you have questions. Never quit. ;-)

Missy Bell

Michelle Liew said...

You'll definitely meet your goals. Thanks for sharing!

Megan said...

I also use some bath salts to unwind after a particularly stressful or exhausting day/workout. Hope that the Cardio works for you!

Cathy said...

Missy, thank you for sharing, I'll be checking out the Couch to 5k. Sounds just like what I need.