Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday Musings: I can't believe I did that!

Monday Musings:

          I can not believe I did that . . .  I have my high school class reunion coming up next year,  and my husband asked me if I knew the week yet so that we can get it on the calendar.  But it got me thinking,  thinking about how so many things in my life are different now.

One thing that jumps out at me tonight,  Is I can not believe that when I was 17, 20 and 30 and everything in between I was addicted to mineral oil.    Since I was fair skinned and burned easily I never put the "Baby oil" on my skin to help me tan,  because the  time that I did I turned into a lobster with blisters.   But I did use it in the shower,  applying to my skin.  I was always fighting dry skin.  I could not understand how my face could be so oily while the rest of my skin was so dry.

Little did I know that the "mineral oil" was not moisturizing my skin.   Then once I joined Jordan Essentials I really started doing my homework, and quickly realized that the "mineral oil" was not my friend.

For some reason it never dawned on me that "mineral oil" was a by product of petroleum oil.  When I realized that it was the end of "Baby Oil in the shower".  Which made my hubby very happy, as he was certain that one of us was going to break our neck in the shower slipping in the tub for the "mineral oil".  My worry was the condition of my skin.
Mineral Oil - Harmful ingredients derived from petroleum that coat the skin with an unhealthy seal that prevents the skin from breathing.  it can have negative effects on hormones and the skins ability to breathe, attract moisture and detoxify.  It can also slow down cell renewal and be the second (after the sun) most likely cause of premature aging.  In fact sunscreens produced from mineral oil may promote skin cancer as well as colon and breast cancer.
Knowledge is truly a powerful thing,  when I changed my skin care regime, dropping Mineral Oil from all my products,  it's truly amazing the change in my skin.   One that I'm sure will be noticed by all when I attend my Class Reunion next year.


Sherrie St. Cyr said...

I stopped using baby oil years ago. My skin survived ;)

Unknown said...

I'm glad you made that discovery. It's always a great feeling when we make a change and something changes externally that improves how we see ourselves. Enjoy the class reunion.

Missy Bell