Friday, October 4, 2013

Fact Friday: Tea Tree Oil - is it Snake Oil?

Fact Friday:
           Tea Tree Oil - is it Snake Oil?

Did you know that the term Snake oil because Tea Tree could detoxify the site of a snake bite? Yes the Australian aborigines were surrounded with over 100 species of the most venomous snakes in the world.
You can see then, how when the United States was settled, Snake Oil became in popular demand. Unfortunately, many of the salesmen were selling Tea Tree that did not work? And they were named Snake Oil Salesmen!
Sorry to say, but there is still a great deal of this going on today! Please know your source and genus species of the oil you want to purchase!
**  Jordan Essentials Tea Tree Oil is High Therapeutic Grade  for more information about our TEA TREE Essential Oils  please email me at

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