Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Do you know what the best part is?

That is the question that was asked.  Well almost,  it really was  "Other then the products what do you love about representing Jordan Essentials?"

Simple answer for me,  it's the People.    

When I attend networking events, set up vendor tables,  do one on ones or parties I get to talk with so many WONDERFUL people.   I hear their stories and realize that there are so many wonderful and gifted people out there.  People that are not afraid to share and  people that "  Dare to Dream".   I learn about them,  their families,  work,  and even health issues that they are experiencing.   What a privilege it is to offer possible solutions for their  skin and health concerns that they have for their family and themselves.  For other's it's the dream for financial security that our opportunity might provide.  

In the process  of helping them I'm also learning more about our products and various applications,  and how I can help others to help themselves. 

I truly am blessed and excited when I think back on all the people I've been able to connect with in the past 11 years.



Unknown said...

Awesome Cathy. Direct sales is truly about caring for people. You seem to care a lot of people that has crossed your path while building your business. Good for you. I wish you the best of success. Thanks for the sharing the Essentials News!

Erin Taylor Slater said...

You can really tell how much people matter to you in your life and your work! Best wishes in your journey.