Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday Moment - Are you givinig Toxic Stocking Stuffers?

This post was shared on facebook by  Katrina Teterekidis and I wanted to share it in full,  As I think my office if "hand sanitizer" crazy.  

Readying through this post I think of my niece, she is using hand sanitizer constantly and now I'm wondering if it is a "trigger" for her migraines.    I know that she picks them if she like the scent.  I'm working on getting her moved over to the healthier Jordan Essentials hand sanitizer.

🎁If I could encourage you to do ONE thing this holiday season, it would be to stop buying this stuff for kids, grand babies, nieces, or ANYONE on your list.
🍥The bath bombs.
🍥The colorful hand sanitizer.
🍥The sparkly bath gel.
🍥The hand lotion.
🍥The makeup
Allergies. Eczema. Migraines. UTIs. Hyperactivity. Infertility. Hormone disrupters. Cancer.
So many of the ingredients in these products are linked to these. And they're totally normalized in our culture.👎
$2.75 sounds like a great price point for stocking fillers careful with all the hidden side effects
The NICNAS & TGA are doing NOTHING to test the safety of the products we use daily in our homes on our most precious babes. #sadbuttrue
💚So please, just like you do with food, take a moment to read the ingredients before you put these in your cart, because what goes ON the body, ON the largest organ, our skin goes IN the body.🧐
Here's your cheat sheet of what to start avoiding:
🔘Methylisothiazolinone (MIT)
🔘PEGs (of any kind)
🔘Petroleum & Petroleum byproducts
🔘Propylene Glycol
🔘Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
🔘Synthetic colors & dyes( all the numbers)
I believe in using safe options and empowering you with the knowledge to either make your own personal care products or how to select safer options. Just ask 🤗
(Ps. Not 100% my words, but 150% my sentiments! I’ve shared & tweaked the post from the inter webs, I couldn’t find the original source to share from there so if this belongs to you please let me know for correct credit) 🤗

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