Thursday, January 9, 2020

3 Ways to keep your Joints Healthy

3 Ways To Keep Joints Healthy

Raise your Hand if you've started 2020 with the Goal to have a Healthier New Year!   ME TOO!!!!  To be honest I've started every year with somewhat the same goal and ended up not being consistent throughout the year.    But I know that this year will be different,  because my mindset is different.

Hip and Joint problems have convinced me that I need to be diligent and THIS YEAR I WILL NOT FALL OFF THE WAGON!!!   I have belief in myself!

Here are 3 great tips from Denise Austin that I am taking to heart and implementing.

1. Fitness

Regular exercise can help to minimize the chronic inflammation that can lead to join pain. It can also help to strengthen the muscles around your joints, helping to protect them and minimize joint discomfort. Not exercising isn’t going to help your joints, you just need to help keep joints healthy by making wise choices with your exercise routine! Try these joint-friendly fitness tips:
  • Always warm up. It will not only get your body and mind ready for a workout, but if you skip it, you may experience joint pain – especially important as we get older. All my workout routines start with a mini warmup, helping you and your joints stay healthy!
  • Mix it up. The same workouts can result in repetitive injury, and can make an existing joint issue worse. So make sure to vary your routine from day to day or week to week, so you are properly working out your entire body. Which leads me to…
  • Focus on joint-friendly exercises! Cycling, swimming, yoga and Pilates are all wonderful ways to get the full benefit of what daily exercise offers up, while being easy on the joints. My plan includes a yoga workout each week – give it a try and see if you and your joints like it!

2. Nourishment

A healthy diet is so important when it comes to caring for your joints. Focusing on foods that can help to minimize inflammation is especially important, so try these eating tips:
  • Choose the best oil. Focus on heart healthy extra-virgin olive oil as your main oil of choice. It has lots of antioxidants which are important for health.
  • Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are unsaturated fatty acids that are not only good for your joints, but offer heart health benefits, too. Try adding salmon to your diet at least once a week, and flaxseeds to your morning smoothie – both are good sources of omega-3s.
  • Spice it up! Ginger and turmeric are two spices that are natural anti-inflammatories, so add each to your diet to help protect and keep joints healthy.

3. Supplements

Different supplements can help to protect and promote healthy joints. I like these:
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Again, found in salmon and flaxseed that should be in your diet, but omega-3s are so important for healthy joints, that you may want to consider a supplement. Juvenon Essential Omega-3 Supplement is the one I have been taking – virtually all doctors agree that Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients for sustaining good health, and I loooooove that this brand doesn’t include a bunch of additional ingredients you don’t need!
  • Anti-inflammatory herbs. I mentioned adding these spices to your diet, but you can also take ginger and turmeric in supplement form, so give those a try as well.

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