Thursday, July 10, 2008

How SAFE is your Sunscreen?

This June when we were on a vacation in the Mountains of New Mexico, I was very careful to use my sunscreen, we were outside the better part of 8 hours per day and I burn so easy, especially when we're that high up. I knew that this would definately put the Jordan Essential SunScreen to the test, because for the past 8 years, I've left this vacation "burnt".

For the first time in my life I experienced the excitement of being outside without "burning to a crisp". My skin was even moisturized, I just love this product. I didn't think more about it, but have been showing everyone my light tan.

Then I noticed that conversations would go to who was using what SunScreen, and about the horror stories about burning or baking when they were in their Teens. Then this weekend I picked up a magazine "Change" and was reading it in the car and there was this great article "How SAFE is your SUNSCREEN?".

The article went on to say that 84% of the 831 sunscreens that EWG Tested (Environmental Working Group) tested did not pass health and environmental standards. Many contained potentially harmful chemicals like benzophenone, homosalate and octyl methoxycinnamate amoung others.

Another thing that I leanred was that like most of us I knew about the Ultraviolet A or "UVA" and to make sure that what I used before and now with our Jordan Essentials Sunscreen was to check the "UVA" protection. But I had not thought about "UVB" or Ultraviolet B which consistas of 10% of all UV rays.

So needless to say as soon as we got home, I pulled out my bottle of sunscreen (and our catalog) and here is what it reads:

Kiwi Cooler SPF 30+ Sunscreen

"Very Water resistant" sunscreen

that conditions and protects against the sun's damaging rays.

Paba free. UVA/UVB protection"

I was pleased that we had the protection of both, and none of the "bad" chemicals that were listed in the article.

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