Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yes you too can have Soft Lips . . . .

This past weekend I spent 3 1/2 days out in the sun with my Husband out at the range for an annual competition that we do. This was an interesting weekend end as we had beautiful weather, breezy, even if a little hot.

Here in Texas everything is in full BLOOM. . . including the TREES and fields that we were in. While the Bluebonnets and Indian Paint Brushes were beautiful. . . I was very relaxed and happy but my nose whas not a happy camper. Allergies were in high gear.

Over the years, when I add up 3 1/2 days in the sun, wind and allergies my lips have been a mess, and our Saturday night banquet pictures always showed flaking lips.

What did I do differently you may wonder. Several things. First I worked hard at staying hydrated (something that I always have to fight). Next I applied our Unscented SPF 15 Shea Butter lip tube. I personally like the unscented but we also carry SPF 15 in Tropical Fruit. $4.50 per single tube or purchase a 5 pack of SPF 15 for $20.00 and save!

Customer Appreciation Drawing: Just for my customers ~ Everyone purchasing a SFP 15 - 5 pack in Unscented or Tropical Fruit will be entered into a drawing for a "FREE Lip Exfoliant". The winner will be drawn on Thusrday April 30th at Noon Central Time. One Winner will be chosen. Valid 3/25/09 through noon 4/30/09

Our mini tubes fit just about anywhere, which make them perfect for outside activities such as gardening, golfing, running

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow .. very nice products!!! And cute packaging to boot!:)
