Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Table Discussions . .

Last night I had dinner with friends,  the 4 of us get together a couple times a year,  not enough as far as I'm concerned.   Everytime we get together at the same location,  and no matter how nice the weather has been it "storms".

That's really OK,  as we use it as a excuse for a 3 or 4 hour dining experience, as we can't leave while it's still a mess out there.

As always I take the time to share our newest catalog with everyone,  and the conversation immediately drifted to our newly expanded  mineral makeup line.  Two of us already using mineral makeup the other two asking questions.    Like what we love most about it. .  ..

1.  that the Liquid Base includes a moisturizer and is actually called a "Tinted Moisturizer",  it goes on so smooth
2.  that it last longer then regular makeup
3.  personally I love the Mineral Makeup to go,  as it drops nicely into my purse and travel bag.  Because of my job, I'm in and out of the warehouse, where it can be so hot,  that I usually wait before heading out to a meeting to put my makeup on.  Works great.
4.  I can actually wear our new eye makeup without my allergies kicking into high gear and making my eyes water.

My list could go on and on . . . but I can honestly say that if you have not tried mineral makeup,  it's something that you should definately consider.

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