Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why Mineral Makeup is Good For Your Skin

From International Health and Science Magazine

I have fallen in LOVE with our Mineral Makeup,  but I'm always on the lookout for information about the products that I use and sell.  There is a lot of GREAT information about Mineral Makeup in this article.  


Mineral makeup has been the latest craze among women who are beauty aficionados but also want to keep their skin looking good. So why all the fuss about this new type of makeup and how is it different from the kind of makeup that has been used for decades now? Simply put, mineral makeup is makeup made from crushed minerals such as mica, titanium dioxide, iron oxides and zinc oxide. They usually come in the form of loose powder while some are packaged just like regular makeup. The selling point of these kinds of makeup is that they do not contain any harmful chemicals, dyes and other preservative so they are good for the skin. Mineral makeup eliminates the other additional ingredients found in other makeup such as harmful parabeens and fragance, so it is considered as more pure and better for natural skin care.

Mineral makeup fans like the fact that it is less prone to cause allergies and other irritations that makeup with heavy chemicals can sometime cause. It is non-comodegenic and oil free, which causes acne and other facial impurities. Mineral makeup also rarely uses talc, which has been found to be a carcinogen in regular makeup. Mineral ingredients titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are natural sun blockers and can deliver UVA and EVB protection equivalent to a sunscreen which has a SPF20.

Another thing that both everyday makeup users and professional makeup artists like about mineral makeup is the fact that it is less heavy on the skin and goes on more smoothly than regular makeup. This is because there are less ingredients that make it heavy like the usual makeup brands. They can even cover up and conceal acne without making them worse.The tagline “safe to sleep in” some mineral makeup brands use stems from the fact that they do not clog the pores, and for some who sleep with their makeup on, they do not suffer any breakouts the next day the way regular makeup sometimes can. Mineral makeup can even be used for patients who have undergone laser peeling, where the skin is at its most sensitive state.

The benefits of mineral makeup may not work for everyone as every skin type reacts differently to different products. It is always advisable to try it on using a tester to see if it is compatible with your skin type. It may be relatively expensive compared to regular makeup brands, but your skin is your body’s biggest organ, so it just apt that you use the best products you can to take care of it. It is better to prevent any early signs of aging and damage now using natural mineral makeup products than have to spend thousands of dollars when you get older for cosmetic surgery just to maintain a younger-looking skin.

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