This past week I had several articles in my inbox address skincare NO NO's. I pride myself on being pretty good about my skin care routine and my complexion shows it! It's the best that it has ever been.
I know that we each have our particular skincare routine that we follow both morning and night, and might even through in an extra one after exercising. Stress and pollution in the environment, maintaining the health of our skin has become imperative now. Once I became a label reader as to what was in my products, I began to see the difference.
I have to admit that I am guilty of one of those NO NO's hot water, oh how I love my hot showers. BUT I never wash my face in the shower, I always wash it afterwards, and my hubby teases me about it all the time. While the water I use with my gentle cleanser is not as hot as my shower, it is still extremely warm.
No No # 1 - Using Hot Water to wash your face
While most of us love the feeling of hot water on our face, in reality, it's doing more harm to your skin. Hot water can cause blood vessels to burst, irritation and also give rise to dry skin problems.
No No # 2 - Using Tons of night care products
I have always been one to use most of my products in the morning, and just a moisturizer at night. But there seems to be a trend of using multiple skin product at night. Many of the products out there don't get absorbed into our skin. The products might cause a layer on your skin, blocking your pours, and resulting in acne breakouts. A battle that I fought through most of my teens and early adult life.
No No # 3 - Using Facial wipes
In July I was at a conference and in the motel room they actually has facial wipes/ makeup removers. I didn't use them, as I love my Gentle Cleanser and my Cucumber Spa Polish. But I through one in my travel bag for emergencies. Guess I'll be throwing it out. Many carry these almost everywhere, especially the gym. We use the facial wipes to remove makeup from our skin, which is very dangerous. Using facial wipes pulls and tugs our skin and hence should be used in emergencies only.
No No # 4 - Not using moisturizer after exfoliation
I love exfoliating my skin with my Cucumber Spa Polish, especially after exercising, but I always use moisturizer. Sometimes it's my daily moisturizer (a lighter one) and other times I use the heavier red wine deep moisturizer, it will help hydrate your skin and leave is soft and supple.
No No # 5 Not reading the labels and know what is in the products you are using
I use the Jordan Essentials Skincare line on my face, actually my entire body. Once I started becoming a label reader I realized how many toxins were in the products I was using, it explained away a lot of the skin problems I was having. Make it a point to know what all the key ingredients are in the products you are using. Watch for harsh chemicals and even if its the right products for your skin type.