Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday Testimonial: Jordan Essentials Diffusers

Thursday Testimonial:
Lemongrass Diffusers 
Deborah -- JE Representative:   And so I've  been at my vendor event all weekend which is actually a huge flea market at the county fairgrounds. Anyway, my table is inside a building. We are able to leave our items out on our tables, they lock the building. I kept a lemongrass and lavender diffuser open on my table. When i arrived this morning all other vendors were complaining about bugs everywhere, on their tables,crawling on their items, on the floor.....but there was not one bug in my area! Oh thank you Lemongrass!
DID YOU KNOW:  That if you flip the reeds once a week,  it helps to keep the scent "alive".  In addition there is no alcohol in our Diffusers,  so the product does not evaporate on you.  Mine last forever,  depending on where they are in relationship to the heating/AC vents mine average 6 to 12 months!

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